ScopeStack Blog

Duplicate Successful Projects

Posted by Jon Scott on Sep 1, 2018 2:00:00 PM
Jon Scott

Have you ever had those clients that said "Hey, remember that project you did for me 6 months ago? Can you do the same thing at this new location? And can I have the price today?" - We would then laugh. Because we could never feasibly just reproduce that would take some doing for sure.

Now, using ScopeStack, I've been able to "duplicate" a project - which includes all of the pricing, assumptions, scoped language, and so on. It's just easier now to recreate a project - I don't have to remember all of the assumptions I made the first time.

This also applies to this use case: A large company with a multi-site project. Each site holds their own budget which means we have to provide a separate statement of work for each location. This used to take a lot of "Save As" on both the excel front and the word front...who seriously wants to mess with all of that?

It's time to use technology to serve a pre-sales community that desperately needs time back. Now we can't ensure you don't waste time, but we can ensure that you don't spend any more time than absolutely necessary when scoping a project.

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