ScopeStack Blog

Multiple SOW Templates

Posted by Jon Scott on Aug 31, 2018 3:36:30 PM
Jon Scott

I'm not sure about you, but there are those specific clients that just take more time. Often times its something simple, like putting your scope on their paper. This can usually be a time consuming task and unfortunately a misappropriate of resources. 

What I was able to do through ScopeStack, was to set up a client specific SOW frame within ScopeStack that allows me to drive consistent SOW language into the clients format. Its the best of both worlds!

Now I have accurate services pricing, customizable content and a happy client. Because it now appears as though I value the relationship and have invested the time to make sure our services engagements with them are not just scoped on their paper, but they are successful.

This might be a small detail to some organizations and to some engineers, but for others, this is just one of those annoying responsibilities that we now don't have to worry about. 

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