ScopeStack Blog

Duplicate Successful Projects

Posted by Jon Scott on Sep 1, 2018 2:00:00 PM

Have you ever had those clients that said "Hey, remember that project you did for me 6 months ago? Can you do the same thing at this new location? And can I have the price today?" - We would then laugh. Because we could never feasibly just reproduce that would take some doing for sure.

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Multiple SOW Templates

Posted by Jon Scott on Aug 31, 2018 3:36:30 PM

I'm not sure about you, but there are those specific clients that just take more time. Often times its something simple, like putting your scope on their paper. This can usually be a time consuming task and unfortunately a misappropriate of resources. 

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Consistent Language

Posted by Jon Scott on Aug 29, 2018 9:44:38 AM

One of our primary goals at ScopeStack is to speed up the scoping process. But, typically when you speed things up, you lose accuracy. Thankfully we have developed a platform that allows speed without compromising in accuracy and consistent services language.

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